The Chronic Pain Couple

First Steps

When we first become unwell and struggle with chronic pain, it’s normal (and good) to dive deep into the sea of treatments to find a cure.

“My life changed when chronic pain and illness came, so I need to get rid of this pain to live well again”, you might think…

I know this is what I believed in the beginning and yes, it definitely got me on some great paths to healing. However (a big however!), forever living for the ‘next treatment’ and telling our partner life will ‘get better’ when the fatigue and pain decrease, can leave us stressed, unhappy and unable to live the life we dream of with our chosen human.  

Living in this state of limbo, with the daily stress of chronic pain has a big impact on a relationship.

Fatigue impacts a relationship.

The unpredictable nature of pain affects dates and social outings with our partner.

Actually, research tells us a partner with chronic pain can be a cause of decline in relationship satisfaction, an increase in home-life stressors, and can put both partners at risk of developing mental health problems. Yikes!

No doubt you knew this though.

I suspect you may be in the middle of this ocean of overwhelm…waving your hands above the waves of fatigue for someone (anyone) to come and show you which way to swim to find your peaceful, tropical island for you and your partner to enjoy less overwhelm, more energy, less pain, constant happiness, success and of course - better intimacy.

Well I’m there on that island of remarkable living and loving with my husband and many other individuals and couples I’ve worked with, who didn’t want chronic pain to dominate their life or take any bit of joy from their life with their partner. I’d love to get you here too!

That’s why my Programs and Workshops are designed to help you achieve remarkable living and loving despite chronic pain.

In this highly practical workshop I teach you:

✔ The key 6 areas that when focused on, move you out of survival mode

✔ How to move far way from the dreaded patient-carer relationship

✔ The step-by-step process to stop pain controlling your life and happiness

✔ Research based, low-energy, practical solutions to common chronic pain problems

Are you ready to join me?

This 60-minute workshop will not only give you a practical blueprint to escape overwhelm and increase happiness and everyday clarity into your life with your loved one, but also empower you to go further than just ‘surviving with your partner’.